
Introduced: 1937
Height: 33"
Ploidy: Diploid
Habit: Evergreen
Bloom time: Mid, Extended, Rebloom
Bloom size: 5.5"
Bloom type: Single
Not Fragrant

In the introduction year, A.B. Stout described it as:
" Selected by the author as an outstanding seedling with rich and sprightly shades of dark red coloring in the flowers. The throat of the flower has a greenish tinge over cadmium yellow; outside of the throat the face of the petals is maroon with a slightly darker midzone, and the back of the petals is also strongly colored: the sepals are uniformly maroon on the inner face but red only along the margins on the reverse. The petals are somewhat twisting and the sepals are stiffly recurving. The flower has a spread of over five inches. The season for flowering is in early July. On account of repeated division for propagation well-established plants of Vulcan have not been had but the stature of such plants will probably be robust. In the selective breeding that gave Vulcan a seedling of Luteola x H. aurantiaca was crossed with a richly colored fulvous daylily obtained by crossing H. fulva var. rosea with a wild plant of H. fulva from China. "
( cited from: Daylilies (book by A.B.Stout), 1934, p. 76 )