

Introduced: 1941
Height: 40"
Ploidy: Diploid
Habit: Evergreen
Bloom time: Mid,Extended,Rebloom
Bloom size: Unknown
Bloom type: Single
Not Fragrant

In the introduction year, A.B. Stout described it as:
" The form of the flowers of this daylily is somewhat special and individual. The petals are broad, strongly recurved, and often somewhat folded back along the edges ("pinched"), but, the sepals stand semi-erect. The flower is medium-large (5 inches in spread), and the color is a rich orange with a slight fulvous halo in the region of the mid-zone. The flowers are widely open and in good condition throughout the day but they close promptly at dusk. The coarse scapes rise to 40 inches and are well branched. The season of bloom is July. "
( cited from: Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, 1941, vol. 42, p. 10-17 )