
Introduced: 1946
Height: 48"
Ploidy: Diploid
Habit: Evergreen
Bloom time: Early Mid, Extended, Rebloom
Bloom size: 5.5"
Bloom type: Spider Variant
Not Fragrant

In the introduction year, A.B. Stout described it as:
" The widely spreading petals and sepals, usually much twisted, with pale and rather faint dull red tints over greenish yellow, give the flowers of this plant distinctive charm. The red pigmentation gradually increases toward the tip of the petals where it approaches burnt sienna. Thus there is a two-toned distal color pattern. The sepals are less red than the petals. In well grown plants the scapes stand above the foliage and reach a height of nearly 4 feet. The foliage is evergreen and there has been some, but no fatal, injury at New York during severe open winters when plants were given no protection. "
( cited from: Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, 1946, vol. 47, p. 77-82 )