Elmer A. Claar

Introduced: 1943
Height: 48"
Ploidy: Diploid
Habit: Dormant
Bloom time: Mid
Bloom size: Unknown
Bloom type: Single
Fragrance Unknown

In the introduction year, A.B. Stout described it as:
" Plants of this clone have reached a stature of from three to four feet. The flowers are medium full and of medium size. In the throat the color is near cadmium yellow with a stripe extending out along the midrib of each petal (not of each sepal); the anthocyanin coloring in the petals is near garnet brown with more intense color in the veins. The sepals have the general ground color of cadmium-yellow plastid pigmentation with areas of red sap pigments that are much less intense than in the petals, a distribution well shown in Fig. 93. In comparison with Festival the flowers are of a distinctly different shape, the petals being shorter and not twisted. Also the ground color is less orange and more yellow and the pattern of the red sap pigment is much less fully bicolor. "
( cited from: Herbertia, 1943, vol. 10, p. 75-78 )