
Introduced: 1949
Height: 48"
Ploidy: Diploid
Habit: Evergreen
Bloom time: Mid, Rebloom, Extended
Bloom size: 5"
Bloom type: Single
Not Fragrant

In the introduction year, A.B. Stout described it as:
" Mr. H. G. Seyler of the Farr Nursery Company has called the dominant coloring of the flowers of the Challenger Daylily "cherry red;" the writer has called it "rose red." The throat of the flower is pale greenish yellow, somewhat tinged with orange, with a strong stripe which extends along the mid-vein of the petals and becomes almost white. The blade-coloring is between carmine and nopal red of Ridgway and near cardinal of the "Garden Dictionary" and it is most dense where the red pigments of the blades meet the yellow and orange of the throat.
The scapes rise to a height of four feet; the foliage is evergreen but not lush and thus far the plants have had very little winter injury. The period of bloom at New York has been mid and late July. "
( cited from: Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, 1949, vol. 50, p. 36-39 )