
Introduced: 1937
Height: 28"
Ploidy: Diploid
Habit: Dormant
Bloom time: Early Mid, Rebloom
Bloom size: Unknown
Bloom type: Single
Not Fragrant

In the introduction year, A.B. Stout described it as:
" This seedling was one of the early selections made at The New York Botanical Garden for fulvous colors. Later the plant was discarded and propagation discontinued, but by error a division was sent in 1929 from the Farr Nursery Company to the Agricultural Experiment Station at Gainesville, Florida. There it has been used in breeding and tentatively has been named Brownie. Not yet described or listed. Of no special merit and far excelled by later selections. "
( cited from: Herbertia, 1937, vol. 4, p. 144-160 )